Laser Vision Correction

What is Laser Vision Correction?

Laser vision correction is the most advanced, precise method of sight correction available in the world today. The excimer laser is capable of making microscopic changes to the surface of the eye (the cornea). It effectively reshapes the Cornea® to correct visual deficiencies like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. 

The excimer laser is known as a "cool" laser because it doesn't burn any tissue. It delivers a controlled frequency of light that causes the molecules on the surface of the eye to detach and disperse into the atmosphere. These molecular changes, though minute, are enough to correct deficient vision. There is no visible change in the appearance of the eye. 

This microscopic modification of the Cornea® takes only a few minutes to complete. The laser is controlled by computer to deliver just the right amount of energy to make the necessary changes in the shape of the eye. 

The accuracy of the excimer laser is unparalleled, and has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world to regain clear, natural vision and freedom from glasses and contact lenses.

What Happens During Excimer Laser Corneal Resurfacing?

The length of the procedure varies from as little as five minutes with PRK to twenty minutes for LASIK. The actual time spent under the laser varies from patient to patient, but it is usually less than two minutes.

You are given a mild sedative thirty minutes prior to having Laser Vision Correction. Anesthetic drops numb your eye prior to the procedure. There is no pain and no discomfort. You remain awake, alert and comfortable. The laser is programmed for your correction and you are asked to look at a blinking spot of light. Dr. Severin starts the laser and controls it during the procedure which usually takes a minute or less.

Are You a Candidate for

Laser Vision Correction?

We feel it is important to discuss your visual needs directly with the doctor.  Our screening with Dr. Aimée Edell offers his expertise in evaluating your current corrective needs and the suitability of the Laser Vision Correction.


What is CustomCornea®? 


Traditional LASIK surgery can provide excellent results when correction a wide range of vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. These vision problems are known as lower order aberrations.

CustomCornea® , delivered by the LADARVision system, is a new kind of LASIK procedure that takes a similar approach and can help with many of the same visual problems. However,CustomCornea® is different from traditional LASIK in two important respects: 

1. CustomCornea® goes beyond reshaping your Cornea® based on your prescription for eyeglasses or contacts. The procedure is completely customized to your eyes and your eyes alone. 

2. CustomCornea® can help with other vision problems that could not be detected previously, know as higher order aberrations. Experts believe these aberrations can contribute to vision problems such as glare, halos, and night vision problems.

Custom Wavefront Guided Laser Eye Surgery

Most people are unaware of how imperfect the optics of the visual system are in comparison to a high quality telescope or microscope. Using a physical optics method called "Ray Tracing", we can learn more about how light and vision actually occur. As light rays from distant objects pass through the individual optical components of the eye, they are subject to being distorted by the imperfections found in the Cornea® and the crystalline lens.

The distortions that are created are referred to as "aberrations." The vast majority - 90% or more - of these aberrations create common refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, which can be treated by optical devices, like glasses and contact lenses, or by Laser Eye Surgery, using the traditional methods of LASIK, PRK or LASEK. The remaining 10% of optical aberrations create images which are altered by chromatic aberrations, spherical aberrations, diffraction, curvature of field, coma, trefoils and quadrafoils - collectively known as "higher order aberrations."

These higher order aberrations only occur in a visually significant manner in 10% to 15% of the general population. When they do occur, they are entirely unique to a particular patient - much like a fingerprint. For patients with higher order aberrations, custom wavefront laser eye surgery allows the laser eye surgeon to provide a completely customized reshaping of the surface of the Cornea® which will then correct the higher order aberrations. Custom Laser Eye Surgery requires measuring the higher order optical aberrations using a wavefront analysis system called an aberrometer and then digitally interfacing it with a laser, using high speed computerized control to direct the delivery of a very tiny beam of laser energy across the Cornea®.

What Happens After Laser Vision Correction? 

Once the procedure is completed, protection is placed over the eye and instructions for post-operative care are given. Patients are then ready to go home. Your surgeon will want to examine your eyes soon after your procedure to monitor your progress. A post-operative examination will be scheduled within 24 hours. 

If you have LASIK performed, a protective clear plastic bubble shield is taped over your eye. There is little or no post-procedure discomfort with LASIK, but we recommend keeping your eyes closed as much as possible for the remainder of the first day.The following morning you are asked to start using an eye drop 4 times a day for 5 days and to wear the bubble shield for 5 nights. On this day you can go back to work. You will experience good vision much sooner after LASIK then after PRK.

If you have PRK a bandage contact lens is placed on your eye. This remains for 2 or 3 days until the Cornea®l surface heals. There may be moderate discomfort during this time, but many patients go back to work the next day. Once the contact lens is removed, you can resume all activities. You will use an eye drop initially for 2 to 4 months 4 times a day, then gradually reduced to once a day. Immediately after PRK your vision will be better than it was without glasses or contacts, but it will be blurry. During the first 3 to 4 days as the surface of the Cornea® heals vision gradually improves. Three or four weeks may be required to reach your best vision. The treatment required after Laser Vision Correction depends upon which procedure is performed.

Am I A Candidate For Laser Vision Correction? 

Laser Vision Correction is now being used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Arrange an appointment with Dr. Severin to determine if you are a candidate and to determine the procedure that is best for you. Communication with our trained consultants will ensure that you understand each procedure.

What Is My Recovery Time After The Procedure? 

Recovery time varies depending upon which procedure is performed. Recovery of vision is quick after LASIK and slower after PRK. With either procedure, most patients return to work the next day, and most recreational activities can be resumed after 3 or 4 days.

What Kind Of Testing Is Required? 

Once you've made the decision to have your vision corrected you will be scheduled for a full comprehensive eye exam. At the Laser Center, a Cornea®l mapping (topography) will also be performed using an advanced computer-driven device to determine the shape of your eye. 

The results of these tests and measurements will be used by your surgeon to determine the type and degree of correction required.

What Are The Risks With Laser Vision Correction? 

Results from the FDA tests in the United States as well as results from surgeons in many other countries, have shown that the excimer laser is safe and effective. The incidence of complications is very low.

Is Laser Vision Correction Painful? 

No, topical anesthetic drops are used to ensure your comfort and the procedure is painless. Some irritation may be experienced during the first or second day, for that reason medication is prescribed to minimize any discomfort.

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